Welcome, I want to make this a place to share my thoughts about the human experience/predicament and how music and love can save us. I want to share my music with you so I have put some mp3's on this site. They are low quality for ease of up loading and space. If you want better quality recordings you will need to contact me for CD's.
I live in the hills near Perth in Western Australia with my wife Liz, and our
Red Cloud Kelpie dog Mango. My mother Margaret was living with us until she sadly passed away in January of this year(2010).
As well as a husband, father, grand father and musician I am also a counselor (I have psychology and counselling degrees) and since 2007 have been working for
The Richmond Wellbeing WA, prviously called Richmond Fellowship of WA, which is a Non Government Organisation that assists those with a mental illness diagnoses. RW provides supported accomodation as well as outreach and respite services. This organisation is recovery focussed in that it is driven by the growing realisation that people can and do recover from mental illness. Richmond Fellowship also supports the Hearing Voices Network Australia (
HVN). I facilitate a Hearng Voices group to help the people who attend understand and come to terms with the phenomena of Voices. Over the last few years the group members have made extraordinary progress so that the voices are no longer such a debillitating problem for them. They are able to get on with their lives. One member is hard at work studying at University. Contact me directly if you want to know more about the Hearing Voices group. New people are always welcome.
Since I first listened to popular music in the late 1950's early 1960's I have noticed that amongst the general commercial mediocrity of popular music there has always been a few genuinely inspiring artists. Since becoming a professional musician they continue to inspire me to try to honour the fact that my audience is giving me their time to listen and I need to give them something of value. Artists have a great responsibillity because others look to them for some reflection of how they feel in the world. They don't need to be assaulted or 'confronted' they need to be respected. I want to to use music to reinforce the positive ideals of healthy living. There are a lot of drug affected vulnerable people out there in the world today and those who create potentially influencial music could do more to honour the responsibillity of creating the sound track of their lives.
I also want to use the folk song style in the tradition of folk music to express a critical view of the world, it's people and what is happening around me and within me. Sometimes that involves focussing on pain. I try to accept pain and learn from it rather than trying to run from it.
I meditate everyday, I have done for 30 years, but that is not what I am suggesting everyone should do. Similarly I do not want this site to be seen as a promotion for religious thinking. Fundamentalist beliefs such as found in even the main religions have been responsible for division, persecution and war and have done for thousands of years.
Philosophically I am probably a humanist and an existentialist. I enjoy celebrations and ritual and I have tried a few religious paths namely; Christianity, Tantric Meditation, Spiritualism, Scientology. and Wicca. All of the above gave me something valuable but now I just meditate. I try not to get stuck with too many 'beliefs' I observe them causing more mischief than good. What you see is what you get, why worry about an after life when there is so much to do in this one?
I have to admit that I have one core belief. I believe that the essence of human beings is love and if I can remind myself of that and try to keep connected to that idea through music and meditation I can be guided by love in everything I try to do.
Music can touch the existential centre of our being. My experience of that centre is that it is bliss, peace , love whatever words you can use.... they are not enough. Music can help us feel at home in our true radiant selves. I enjoy music that is composed and played with care for the human soul. I find
HEALING POWER in the great classics from Mozart and Bach and also in the simple tunes of folk music.