The New Swan Band members Jenny and David Hoffman with Dave and Liz. |
| The New Swan Band was a new project for Liz and me. The Pioneers got together with David and Jenny Hoffman. who are well known for their involvment in the Red Sea Pedestrians ( a Klezmer band), and the Numguts Bush band. Jenny also plays with The Last Five coins. David and Jenny were the musical directors of The Black Chooks, a community world folk music band started several years ago as a Zig Zag Festival project in Kalamunda. The new band also has Peter Harper on double bass.
The New Swan Band offered a big band for Bush Dances and a concert band playing originals by David together with material from their combined repetoire of Australian, celtic and world folk music.
The New Swan Band featured mandolin, flute,piano accordian,double bass and acoustic and electric guitar. We played for two bush dances at the Fairbridge Festival 2018. Each dance had a full capacity of dancers and they really rocked. It was great to see so many young people enjoying the bush dancing.
We have decided to continue using the name Pioneers Bush band. All enquieries for bookings to David at davidrivettmusic@gmail.com. Or mob 0408929186
| We were hoping to play at Fairbridge again in 2022, but the festival was cancelled. There are some new videos here of what we have been doing. Its very relaxed and we just find things we enjoy playing. W are not trying to follow any particular type of music other than things that are folk or have their roots in folk music.